Church Assimilation

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4 Spotify Playlists To Create The Right Vibe In Your Next Ministry Gathering

Maybe You’ve Been Here Before

You’re walking into a church for the first time. It’s a bright Sunday morning, the greeters are all outside waiting to receive you, maybe there are even a few pop signs floating around. All of the visual cues are high-energy, but there’s something off: over the speakers, you’re hearing sixth minute of a deep, soulful hymn.  Don’t get me wrong, I love a good hymn; but in that moment, something is not adding up.

Consider another scenario:  after a powerful sermon, the pastor leads the congregation into an intentional moment of reflection and prayer.  In an attempt to create an environment of worship, someone makes the decision to play soft worship music over the PA.  The problem is that the songs are filled with lyrics, distracting people from their ability to focus on prayer.

Music is a powerful tool. The playlist you choose can either set the stage or kill the mood in your next ministry gathering. In both settings, guests experienced cognitive dissonance because of the incongruity between the stated or perceived purpose of the environment and the auditory stimuli in their surroundings. We said it should look one way, and then made it feel another.

A Few Principles to Keep in Mind

Lyrics or no lyrics?

Great lyrics are great.. usually. But on occasion, they’re distracting.  Be sure to consider whether or not songs with lyrics will add value or create distraction.

Consider the audience.

Young adults and students will respond differently and may even be turned off by the worship music their parents loved. They’re not rejecting the theology, just the style. In the same way, a multigenerational church will have a hard time avoiding hymns and music from the early 2000’s altogether.

Give them the feels. 

Music can powerfully affect our emotions. Want to create an exciting lobby environment? Be sure to watch out for songs that slow and soulful. Slow and soulful is great, but the context matters.

4 Playlists To Create the Right Vibe

Modern Worship.

Great for Pre/Post Service Worship, Pre/Post Class, General Adult Events

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Young & Alive.

Great for Camps, Retreats, Student Events, & Young Adult Gatherings

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High Energy Welcome.

Great for Gathering Spaces, Lobby, & Outdoor Environments. Churchwide gatherings (especially community-building events)

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Contemplative Response.

Great for Reflection, Prayer Gatherings, Personal Devotion, Ambient Background

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